3 October 2007
How to Get 50 High PR One Way Links Each Month
Summary : It's easy. So easy it's almost criminal. But I can get one-way high PR links whenever I want. How? Come closer. Let me whisper in your ear.
It’s easy. So easy it's almost criminal. But I can get one-way high PR links whenever I want. How? Come closer. Let me whisper in your ear. It involves articles, the Google toolbar and a tracking sheet.
That’s it’s. Because there’s really nothing to gettinghigh (pagerank) PR one way links.
====> Two Must Finds
All you do is find sites to post your articles on that do a good job of directing pagerank (PR) to their articles pages. Sadly many do not. Others may but they don’t include that coveted live link from your article.
This just means you’ll have to look a little harder. Since the crown jewel in your search for sites to submit articles to is to find those with other articles that show lives links. And the pages they’re on sport at least PR 3 or higher.
Here’s why that's so powerful. You’ll typically get the lion’s share of that PR. Since unlike a links page, quite often the only external link is to the author’s web site.
Just think. While others are thrashing around trading links, you’re quietly developing high search rankings by simply submitting articles. Nifty seo twist on the idea of article marketing isn’t it?
====> Your Tracking Sheet
Setting up your tracking sheet is simple too. You want at least three headings including website URL, PR, Live Link.
What goes in the first should be obvious.
Jot down the PR of the article pages themselves in the second.
The third you simply note "Y" for yes if there is a live link from the article’s resource box back to the author’s web site. Or "N" for no if there is not.
Now for the tedious part - finding sites to host your articles.
Typically article banks, directories and the like are NOT going to be your best bet. Sorry. I’m not saying you shouldn’t submit articles to them as part of an overall article marketing scheme. Just don’t do so in the hopes of snapping up many high PR one way links is all.
Instead you want to use Google to help you find individual web sites that post articles. There are many ways to find them. Let me share one.
====> One Way to Find Sites to Submit to
Simply search on your "target keyword phrase + articles". And don’t forget the quotes. Doing so tells Google to return all pages with both the keyword phrase and the word articles on them. This should return a healthy list of sites in that keyword niche that host articles.
Now you want to do this search in Internet Explorer with the Google toolbar turned on.
At each site visit a few article pages that have been around for awhile. (Sometimes sites will show the date posted. Other times you just have to kinda guess which might have been there longer.) Keep an eye on the PR of those pages. Checking out three or four such pages should give you an idea of the PR potential. Note the highest PR you find on your tracking sheet.
Also take note if the links in the resource box are live or not.
Once you run through the first list try another focus keyword. Or try a related niche. Just be aware you’ll start to see peats and repeats.
Still don’t stop until you’ve got a nice starter list of 25-30 sites that have higher PR and a live link back.
After you’ve got your list write the best, most informative, helpful article you can. No self promotion. No affiliate links. No hype whatsoever.
Then have at it. Submit it to the list you just developed.
If you’ve got a better than average article you can expect at least 10 or maybe even 15 out of 30 sites to post it. And you’re on your way. Just like that you’ve got 10-15 higher PR one way links. Which is probably more than most of your competitors have. And that’s just one article.
That’s right. Once you’ve got one article in motion, look for more sites. Write another high quality article. Submit it first to those who posted your previous article. They should be your favored class and get first crack at your new one. Then submit it to the rest.
Pretty simple isn’t it? Yet this pretty much lays out how I get 50+ high PR one way links each month. Now you can too.
29 September 2007
Mengikuti Kesuksesan CEO yang Blogging
Blog dari CEO di Industri Penerbangan :
Blog dari Profesor Hukum
Blog dari CEO Perusahaan Riset Dunia
Blog dari VICE CHAIRMAN Industri Otomotif
Blog dari CEO di Industri Percetakan dan Penerbitan
Blog dari Seorang CEO, Penulis dan Pembicara
Blog Milik CEO Sekaligus Investor di Sektor Olahraga
CEO Blogging - Bloggingnya Para CEO
"Komunikasi yang paling lazim dilakukan para CEO dengan Pelanggan utamanya adalah breakfast/lunch metting. Masih jarang sekali didapati seorang CEO yang mau menanggapi e-mail dari pelanggannya, apalagi berkomunikasi melalui sebuah blog" Buku ini sangat tepat utuk menyadarkan para CEO agar SEGERA BLOGGING untuk mendekatkan diri pada pasar."
SUTIONO GUNADI, General Mabager, PT.Multicom Persada International dan Sekretaris Jendral DPP Apkomindo 2005-2008
"...Blog that are perceived as independent" might have some PR value..."
JACK TROUT, Bapak Positioning & Strategy
"To Blog or not to blog? For a lot of Senior executives these days, that is the question. The answer, simply enough, is to blog. No Better opportunity exist to engage in an open dialoue and exchange of ideas with customers and potential customers."
Robert A Lutz, Vice President General Motor
"Corporate blogging does in fact live to "all the hype."
Yahoo Press Release
"Blog Will change your business," and blog are refereed to as the fastest growing segment of the web and the posts are perfect for the kind of targeted advertisements favored by search engine."
Business Week, edisi Mei 2005
"CEO yang sekaligus menjadi product/company brand? Di Indonesia hanya ada segelintir. Blogging adalah new way bagi anda yang (ingin) menjadi CEO dan sekaligus sebagai product/company brand."
JB SOESETIYO (Redaktur Pelaksana Majalah Warta Ekonomi)
Anda sebagai seorang CEO / Director / GM / Manager ? Anda sudah Blogging
25 September 2007
Graphology - Study tentang tulisan tangan

What does your handwriting say about YOU?
Saya coba mengikuti Handwriting Analysis Personality Test dengan menuliskan tandatangan saya (hampir mirip) seperti gambar diatas dan mengisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam kuis.
Inilah hasilnya:
The results of your analysis say:
You fill every waking moment with activity.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action.
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
Benar atau tidak, saya tidak tahu.
Familiar dengan saya?
23 September 2007
Coba Post lewat Post2Blog
Hari ini saya dapat tambahan pelajaran dari website online mengenai bagaimana membuat posting blog via Post2Blog.
Ini posting pertama saya via software ini
9 April 2007
Business Leader Profile Reveal Succes Secrect
Business Leaders Profiles Reveal Success Secrets on Business-Programs.com
Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.
A new business career profile of Apple CEO Steve Jobs on Business-Programs.com, a Web site that provides educational resources about online business programs, reveals what Jobs sees as the secret of his success. "You've got to find what you love," said Jobs in the profile. Also profiled on the site are top business people Charles Schwab, Donald Trump and Bill Gates. Each profile lists the pertinent facts in each business career, including education and net worth, and provides insights for prospective business students.
(PRWEB) April 2, 2007 -- Apple CEO Steve Jobs reveals what he believes to be the secret of his success in a new business career profile on Business-Programs.com, a online business programs educational resource. "I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love," said Jobs (http://business-programs.com/business-profiles/steve_jobs.htm). The profile is part of a series that includes Charles Schwab, Donald Trump and Bill Gates. Each profile details crucial facts such as educational background, net worth and the main points of each business career, providing helpful pointers for prospective business students.
The profile of Jobs reveals that he dropped out of his college program but continued taking classes there for 18 months, discovering a new passion for calligraphy, which inspired the various fonts offered on Apple computers. According to the profile, "[When Jobs was stripped of his duties as the CEO of Apple by its board of directors, he applied his do-what-you-love approach to his next company, NeXT computers, which helped pioneer the DSP chip, the built-in ethernet port and the World Wide Web."
The Business Career Profiles on Business-Programs.com provide a valuable resource for prospective business students looking to learn from the top business minds of our times, such as Donald Trump who has found success more than once. According to Trump, "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate" (http://www.business-programs.com/business-profiles/donald-trump.htm).
The value of exposing fledgling business minds to the experience of seasoned experts is being increasingly recognized in the workplace. According to Business Week, "Fully half of the 500 biggest businesses in the U.S. now offer mentoring, up from about 10% five years ago."
Business-Programs.com offers educational resources to succeed in the competitive world of business, whether visitors want to earn an MBA or even a business technology degree. Visitors can browse a directory of business schools or visit an extensive library of articles focused on business programs.
Secret to Succes
The secret to success through cod science
If you choose to watch a television programme which promises to tell you The Secret – as in, the secret of having a great life – then you probably deserve to be had.
And if you keep watching it, even after it turns out that The Secret can only really be learned if you buy the book and the DVD and go to classes held by multimillion- dollar-earning Keepers of The Secret, then the only secret you should be interested in keeping is that you're a complete mug.
My excuse for watching the whole of Oprah Special, The Secret (TV3 9.30pm, Friday)?
I get paid to watch telly for this column. Otherwise, I could have spent a more educational and inspirational hour watching, say, an infomercial on abdominal trainers.
This is not to knock Oprah. Of the panel of people arrayed before us to explain this new self-help craze, Oprah seemed like the only genuine person there. Say what you like about America's most influential woman, she really does seem out to help people, and has for years risked derision and ratings slides to put self-improvement and mind-feeding fodder on her daytime chat show.
She has made a tonne of dosh, but now spends and risks a lot of it trying to help people. Whereas these Secret people have made a lot of money simply by charging a lot of money for purporting to help people, which is a less savoury thing altogether.
So what is The Secret?
Without, admittedly, having seen the DVD or read the book, it seems to be a rehash of self-help books across the ages. Its core philosophy is positive thinking, with all that eye-rolling stuff that comes with it: self-affirmation, openness to new challenges, letting go of past grievances, loving yourself, giving yourself permission . . . Let's stop before we gag. You get the picture.
These self-actualisation techniques have been kicking around for years – not least on Oprah's programme. And let's not be churlish – many people find them extremely helpful.
Orthodox psychiatry is not a million miles away from the cognitive approaches these lifestyle coaches employ. But an Australian television producer seems to have harnessed the old ideas into a new magnet for big bucks by trawling through old self- help books, of the How to Make Money kind, and cherry-picking the sayings of the great philosophers, artists, inventors and other blameless figures in history, from Beethoven to Alexander Graham Bell, who happened to have practised or articulated positive thinking-type approaches to life, bundling it all together and giving it this catchy title.
You have to applaud the marketing finesse. In this post-Da Vinci Code era, there is an appetite for gleanings of knowledge from the Ancients, for tracing big power secrets through history. It doesn't even have to be true for people to believe it. They just want to believe that this is genuine ancient wisdom.
But Oprah's guests honestly didn't have two novel ideas to rub together.
As Oprah, to give her her due, did say several times, "I've been doing this all my life. I didn't think it was a secret."
Where the Secret promulgators have been devilishly clever is in portraying the Secret "system" in quasi-scientific terms. As one of Oprah's guests, channelling cod quantum physics, claimed: we are all just energy, and we are vibrating on different levels. Like attracts like, so if we want to attract certain people and activities into our lives, we have to start vibrating on the same level. A sort of Dress for Success, only atomically.
All the guests told the now bog-standard success story that all lifestyle coach gurus tell. I was fat/a drunk/a drug-dealer/broke and then something Happened, and a light went on. I changed my life just by thinking differently, and you can too. Ask me how. That'll be $2000 for a weekend workshop, and another $150 for the book and the tapes, thanks very much. And that's how come I'm rich and you're not.
There was lots of footage of the teachers teaching to vast audiences, in that icky, evangelical, Bible belt way, only instead of God, the object of glorification was "Me!"
In fairness, they all dished out a lot of sensible advice, along with the pseudo nuclear physics. Such as, sometimes people need to stop litigating old wrongs, and just – as our prime minister so often advises – move on. Sometimes if we over-focus on a current problem, it's hard to move forward, or even live productively in the present. Better to find a way of solving the problem, however slowly, in a way that doesn't dominate our lives. Can't argue with that.
And inevitably, when a fat lady asked how to apply The Secret, she was told, "Don't diet. Diets don't work. Concentrate on being fit and healthy."
And failing marriage? "Concentrate on the things you do love about your husband/ wife."
And so on and so ever so familiarly on.
The only breath of fresh air was when James Ray, one of the Teachers, pointed out that you actually have to do stuff to make The Secret work. You can't just sit there visualising your dream life and forgiving everyone. "Cos they'll come take your furniture away."
After you do all the positive affirmation, you have to get off your bum and put it into action. Energy vibrations and achieving the right astral tonality alone are not enough. See? There's always a catch. We can all visualise our dream lives, our svelte new figures, our conquest of the Boston marathon. But all the self-help books in the world can't physically compel us to save money, eat less and get up at 5am to train.
In the end, the most important secret seems to be, if you want to improve your life: you're on your own, get on with it.
And if you think self-help affirmation will help rather than waylay you on this self-improvement mission, then here's another not terribly well-kept secret: this sort of ra-ra talk can be had on Oprah and Dr Phil every day for free.
You really don't need to buy the book, wear the T-shirt, or attend the rebirthing weekend in the Coromandel to get the general drift.
30 March 2007
Personal Coaching Guru NLP
Personal Coaching Guru Kevin McGill completes his master's course and receives his Master Certification in NLP. As Team 72's front man, Kevin McGill's philosophies inspire Team 72's dedication to helping individuals achieve their goals. Team 72 is a personal coaching company which helps individuals accomplish their goals through Team 72's Goal Setting Software.
New Haven, CA (PRWEB) March 29, 2007 -- Kevin McGill, Personal Coaching Guru and Team 72's front man, acquires his Master Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). With a NLP Master Certification, Kevin McGill has further implemented his learnings and philosophies into Team 72's Goal Setting Software to assist individuals achieve their goals for creating change.
Kevin McGill and Team 72 focuses on coaching individuals to take action on their dreams. Team 72's philosophy is to help individuals recognize their dreams and aspirations through goal setting, and also to proactively help individuals act on these realizations. Team 72 creates positive outcomes and extraordinary success by offering individuals the tools required to guide their life.
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Team 72 incorporates Kevin McGill's philosophies to help individuals accomplish their dreams. Team 72 offers Goal Setting Software, Game Planning, Seminars and Training, and Goal Setting DVDs and books. As a Personal Coaching company, Team 72 will find solutions to help anyone overcome the hurdles in their path to success. Each of these methods are easy to use and put people in control of their life and on the path to turn their dreams into reality. Team 72 Game Plans are designed as "an interactive and innovative tool that gives people the power to achieve your goals," through the use of a brand new, revolutionary Goal Setting Software. Team 72 seminars and training tips are designed to help people excel in accomplishing their goals through the teaching of tangible, applicable, success-building strengths. The Team 72 DVDs and books are for individuals to learn in their own time and at their own pace.
To find how take action to turn dreams into reality, or to find out more about Personal Coaching, Goal Setting Software, or Team 72's other programs, visit the official website at www.Team72.net or call toll free at 1-877-8-Team72. Take action today.
28 March 2007
Oprah's Secret
Through wildly successful viral marketing and a faithful fan base spreading the word, The Secret, a documentary film explaining the "law of attraction" tops Amazon's bestselling DVD list. The companion book of the same name -- and as far as I can tell, an almost word-for-word transcript of the film -- just had the largest reorder in Simon & Schuster history (2 million copies) and is #1 on the New York Times Self Help Bestseller list.
If you are one of like three people left who haven't heard about The Secret -- come on, it was even on Oprah -- let me explain. Australian talk show producer Rhonda Byrne read The Science of Getting Rich, a book written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles, in her darkest hour and discovered what she believes is the essential truth -- that "your current thoughts are creating your future life. Your thoughts become things." Translation: if you are thinking about how bad your life is, bad things will continue to happen; if you start thinking about great things, they will inevitably manifest.
Byrne went around with a camera and manifested her own motley crew of entrepreneurs, financial gurus, and pop psychologists -- including the king of the Chicken Soup for the Soul dynasty, Jack Canfield -- to attest to the truth of this claim. I have no qualms with the power of positive thinking. There is sound research that confirms that envisioning yourself succeeding has a real impact on your performance, sports being the most prescient example. At a time when a violent, morally-messy war is going on four years and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen, who doesn't need a good dose of wide-eyed idealism?
But idealism is not all the fast-talking "experts" behind The Secret are dishing out. They are also articulating a dangerous message about conspicuous consumption and distracting people from crippling systemic problems.
Both the film and the book are filled with promises about the secret's capacity to attract wealth and "things" -- fancy cars, huge mansions, Rolex watches -- into your life. For example, the book reads: "Make it your intention to look at everything you like and say to yourself, 'I can afford that. I can buy that.'" In a country where the average household consumer debt is $8,000, it appears most of us need no encouragement in pretending we have more money than we do.
John Assarof, founder of a company called One Coach, stars in a hokey reenactment sequence in the film in which he realizes that he has miraculously attracted his new, unconscionably large home into his life. As he is unpacking boxes beside his five year old son, Assarof pulls out his "vision board" -- on which he had pasted images of things he wanted to attract into his life years earlier -- and finds the exact picture of the mansion he newly owns. He explains, "I looked at that house and started to cry, because I was just blown away." His son asked, "Why are you crying?" and he answered, "I finally understand how the law of attraction works."
What is the message to this five year old? What is the message to us all? That the secret to life is the capacity to desire "things" without regard to the environmental or spiritual consequences? That these "things" will somehow satisfy that deep and most universal of desires -- to matter in the world?
I cringe when I think about copies of both the DVD and books flying off the shelves and into debt-ridden, exhausted, and hopeless folks' hands. It is not just the exploitation of their dissatisfaction with their lives that offends me, but the distraction that promoters of The Secret are creating from the very real, systemic issues undergirding poverty.
The book boldly and ignorantly states, "The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts." Tell that to the 36 million Americans living in poverty. Even worse, tell that to the 3 billion people worldwide who live on less that $2 a day.
If The Secret's logic is to be believed, then those who are hungry are not envisioning food hard enough, those without running water aren't imagining the feeling of satiation with enough enthusiasm. It doesn't matter if you are born in the Sudan or San Francisco, according to The Secret's catch-all claim; you can always fantasize your way into "massive wealth."
This point of view neglects the effects of government policy, class, race, gender, geography, and a host of other systemic influences on the kind of wealth -- and life -- one is able to create. It is the good ol' American Dream delusion supersized into ridiculousness. Now you don't even have to work for your wealth, you just have to sit back and dream it into existence. No matter if you are from a poor family, living in a war zone, or a thousand miles from the nearest medical clinic.
In another particularly offensive sequence, Bill Harris, a teacher and founder of Counterpointe Research Institute talks about a gay student who was harassed about his sexual orientation by coworkers and strangers on the streets. Harris explained the law of attraction to the frustrated young man: "He started taking this thing about focusing on what you want to heart...what happened within the next six to eight weeks was an absolute miracle." All the harassment, reportedly, ceased.
Sure, those who look scared are sometimes picked out as easy targets by homophobic jerks with some self-hating steam to blow off, but that doesn't take the responsibility for harassment off of the harasser. This argument is tantamount to saying that those women who fear rape are asking for it.
The idea that people invite abuse or oppression with their thoughts is insulting. The Secret crew only acknowledges this interpretation briefly: "Often when people first hear this...they recall events in history where masses of lives were lost, and they find it incomprehensible that so many people could have attracted themselves to the event. If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time...those thoughts of fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time." I can't begin to imagine how offensive this claim must be to those who have lost family members under horrific circumstances, like the massacres in Rwanda or the events of September 11th.
If the creators of The Secret wanted to truly empower people, they would focus more on the part of their message that invites people to dream about their best, most joyful lives. This invitation is mentioned in the work, but feels sullied by all of the talk of covetous accumulation and innocent people essentially "asking for it."
The promise of future money is a surefire way to get people to spend money now. Perhaps the purveyors of The Secret see the money message as the sugar that makes the medicine go down, but it seems hypocritical for a group of people purportedly committed to enlightenment to dwell in the material.
I would never claim to know the secret to life, but I have a hunch it has something to do with love, community, joy, and purpose -- not the size of your mansion or the brand of your watch. Further, I think it probably has something to do with alleviating suffering and inequality, encouraging people to think about changing the systems which keep them poor or in danger, not internalizing their failures -- financial or otherwise -- as proof of their own anemic imaginations.
Tagged as: the secret, law of attraction, wealth, wallace d. wattles
Courtney E. Martin is a writer living in Brooklyn. Her book, Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body, will be published by Simon & Schuster's Free Press next month. Read more about her work at www.courtneyemartin.com.
27 March 2007
Ilmu Menjadi KAYA - Science of GETTING RICH
karena berenang
melawan arus.
Manusia menjadi kuat
karena mengalami
Bersyukurlah karena
mengalami penderitaan.
Karena itulah peluang
untuk menjadi Pemenang.
[Bidadari Words]
setelah hujan turun
Sukses akan bersinar indah
setelah airmata kegagalan turun.
Kegagalanlah yang membuat
Sukses menjadi bermakna
[Bidadari Words]